El Faro | 26-Apr-2024
Honduras’ withdrawal from the World Bank investor dispute forum could have a limited practical effect, but it is already read along ideological lines.
CAN Europe | 25-Apr-2024
The European Parliament voted today largely in favour of the Commission’s proposal for the European Union to withdraw from the Energy Charter Treaty, a landmark move that campaigners across Europe have been demanding for years.
Romania-Insider | 24-Apr-2024
Earlier this year, ICSID dismissed the claims of Gabriel Resources in the Roșia Montană case. The court also obliged the companies to pay Romania the costs of the lawsuit, as well as interest.
| 24-Apr-2024
April 21st has been a historic day. The Ecuadorian people voted massively NO in the referendum question about whether Ecuador should return to arbitration.
The Maple | 22-Apr-2024
The Canadian and Ecuadorian governments continue to forge ahead with free trade agreement plans, despite opposition from social movements and Indigenous Peoples within Ecuador, along with rampant instability.
Bilaterals.org | 21-Apr-2024
On 21 April 2024, the government of Daniel Noboa is holding a referendum in Ecuador to amend the country’s constitution and, in particular, to reactivate the dangerous investor-state dispute settlement mechanism.
| 15-Apr-2024
As US law professors and economics professors deeply committed to the rule of law and economic well-being both domestically and globally, we strongly urge you to remove ISDS provisions from existing US trade and investment agreements.
The National | 15-Apr-2024
It is presumed the claim is on the basis of the bilateral investment treaty between Libya and Belgium.
Global Justice Now | 12-Apr-2024
The Secret World of Investor Courts is a podcast made by the Global Justice Now Youth Network, exploring corporate power, colonialism and climate justice.
EJIL:Talk! | 12-Apr-2024
A documentary film offers a powerful illustration of the ways in which ISDS can impact third parties, exacerbate inequalities, and reinforce power imbalances.

ISDS Case Map
Plataforma América Latina y el Caribe Mejor Sin Tratados de Libre | 24-Apr-2024