E3G | 4-Dec-2024
Our ranking reveals that the Energy Charter Treaty remains the most dangerous investment treaty to the energy transition by protecting over 300 megatonnes (Mt) of greenhouse gas emissions.
Friends of the Earth Europe | 3-Dec-2024
Even after modernisation, the ECT continues to undermine European and global climate policies.
Gouvernement suisse | 20-Nov-2024
Les parties contractantes restantes devraient approuver la nouvelle mouture du traité lors de la Conférence de la Charte de l’énergie, qui aura lieu le 3 décembre 2024.
The Standard | 23-Oct-2024
Critics argue that the ECT, designed to protect foreign investments, contains vague provisions that allow multinational corporations to sue governments for lost profits due to policy changes.
SOMO | 11-Oct-2024
The multinational disagrees with the decision that gas production in the Dutch province of Groningen will be shut down early.
Observatoire de l’Europe | 11-Oct-2024
Le géant pétrolier américain ExxonMobil a invoqué le controversé traité sur la Charte de l’énergie dans une éventuelle demande d’indemnisation de plusieurs milliards d’euros.
iclg | 9-Oct-2024
Invoking the Australia-Poland bilateral investment treaty, together with the Energy Charter Treaty, Green X has been awarded hundreds of millions of dollars over a thwarted mining project.
Upstream | 2-Oct-2024
The “de-facto expropriation of Wintershall’s interests in Russian gas ventures was formalised in December 2023 when President Putin issued decrees invalidating gas sale contracts and transferring assets to Russian companies.
XM | 1-Oct-2024
Investors in Finland’s largest power distributor Caruna are taking the Nordic country to arbitration, the Finnish foreign ministry said, due to the Finnish Energy Authority’s attempt to curb rising power transmission prices for ordinary consumers.
Boursorama | 1-Oct-2024
Les investisseurs de Caruna, le plus grand distributeur d’électricité de Finlande, ont engagé une procédure d’arbitrage contre le pays nordique, en raison de la tentative de l’autorité finlandaise de l’énergie de freiner l’augmentation des prix de transport de l’électricité.