The Standard | 23-Oct-2024
Critics argue that the ECT, designed to protect foreign investments, contains vague provisions that allow multinational corporations to sue governments for lost profits due to policy changes.
TNI | 22-Oct-2024
Este informe contiene una sistematización y análisis de las estadísticas de las demandas arbitrales de inversores extranjeros contra los Estados de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) en base a tratados internacionales con protección de inversiones. Se contabilizan los datos hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2023.
TNI | 22-Oct-2024
This report presents a systematic overview of foreign investor lawsuits against countries across Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) based on investment protection treaties up to 31 December 2023.
Radio Prague International | 22-Oct-2024
Qucomhaps Holdings has initiated arbitration proceedings against the Czech Republic, claiming misconduct by law enforcement, insolvency courts, and administrators. | 21-Oct-2024
The country will likely have to pay over $30 million to an American litigation firm because it wanted to protect its environment from harmful seabed mining.
Radio-Canada | 21-Oct-2024
La poursuite de 20 milliards de dollars américains des promoteurs de GNL Québec contre le gouvernement canadien sera entendue en 2025. Le Canada plaide pour sa part que le tribunal ne devrait pas être saisi de cette affaire.
United Steelworkers | 20-Oct-2024
We are writing on behalf of Canadian unions that are deeply concerned about the current negotiations for a free trade agreement with Ecuador.
El Economista | 16-Oct-2024
El grupo Telefónica reclama al estado peruano 1.122 millones de euros por daños y perjuicios históricos, correspondientes a impuestos realizados en el país y provisiones fiscales de tributos pendientes de abonar.
Pivot | 16-Oct-2024
La société civile des deux pays accuse le futur accord, en cours de négociation, de privilégier les intérêts des investisseurs.
Lexology | 15-Oct-2024
The 2022 BIT offers several important advances compared to the 1974 BIT, providing greater certainty and protection for investors.