energy | 2-Jan-2025
In a significant legal development, Zenith Energy Ltd. announced that the ICSID has rejected a request for bifurcation by the Republic of Tunisia in an ongoing arbitration case.
African Manager | 2-Jan-2025
Le montant réclamé dans le cadre de l’arbitrage CIRDI, déterminé par un panel d’experts internationaux en matière de quantum désignés par la société, s’élève à un montant total en principal de 503 millions de dollars américains.
Forbes Perú | 24-Dec-2024
La empresa energética española Enagás inició el arbitraje contra el Estado peruano ante el CIADI en 2017, luego de que el gobierno rescindiera el contrato para la construcción del Gasoducto Sur Peruano al consorcio del que era parte.
The Corner | 24-Dec-2024
Favourable news for Enagás, although the amount is lower than initially claimed and represents an accounting loss.
NewzShewz | 20-Dec-2024
The government of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has received a formal notification regarding a claim from the owner of Halmore power company.
Euractiv | 18-Dec-2024
The Energy Charter Treaty allow fossil fuel investors to sue EU member states before international arbitral tribunals to challenge climate mitigation measures. This legal mechanism is increasingly weaponized by the industry.
Ukrainska Pravda | 16-Dec-2024
A court in the Netherlands has rejected Russia’s cassation appeal against the Hague Arbitration Court’s decision, which ordered compensation for Naftogaz Group, Ukraine’s largest national oil and gas company, for the misappropriated assets in Russian-occupied Crimea.
Foreign Policy in Focus | 13-Dec-2024
Honduras’s coup-era government opened the floodgates for predatory energy projects. Now that Hondurans are fighting back, the companies are trying to take them to arbitration.
Land and Climate Review | 12-Dec-2024
Experts talk about investor-state dispute settlements, which allow fossil fuel companies to bring multi-billion dollar lawsuits against countries that pass green policies. | 11-Dec-2024
Le Maroc a entrepris des démarches soutenues pour obtenir l’annulation définitive d’une sentence arbitrale de 150 millions de dollars en faveur de Corral Morocco Holdings AB, l’actionnaire suédois majoritaire de la raffinerie SAMIR.