Cedetrabajo | 22-Jan-2025
El gobierno anunció que se había modificado el TLC entre Estados Unidos y Colombia en el capitulo X referente a Inversiones por medio de una nota interpretativa.
AFTINET | 15-Jan-2025
This explainer sheds light on how Clive Palmer is using Investor-State Dispute Settlement provisions in trade agreements to claim up to $420 billion from the Australian government.
Al Jazeera | 6-Jan-2025
Trade deals can allow international corporations to trample over the rights of governments in the Global South. That is the message from the Colombian government, which describes the effect of such deals as a “bloodbath” for their national sovereignty.
SOMO | 11-Dec-2024
The Entebbe Declaration calls for justice and sustainability in global investment governance.
Friends of the Earth Europe | 3-Dec-2024
Even after modernisation, the ECT continues to undermine European and global climate policies.
SOMO | 15-Nov-2024
Large-scale mining projects highlight complex tensions between states, foreign investors, and local communities, leading to environmental and social risks for communities.
SOMO | 13-Nov-2024
The government of Kenya has officially terminated its bilateral investment treaty (BIT) with the Netherlands, marking a significant win for economic justice and environmental protection.
CIEL | 12-Nov-2024
The urgent need to address climate change is hindered by legal barriers within international investment law, particularly through Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) mechanisms.
TNI | 7-Nov-2024
An impoverished country resisting foreign investors’ claims.
TNI | 6-Nov-2024
Después de un año de investigaciones, entrevistas, conversaciones y debates, logramos compilar en un reporte de 130 páginas la información básica sobre la avalancha de catorce demandas arbitrales contra Honduras en el corto periodo de 2023 hasta la mitad de 2024, además de las cinco demandas que el país había recibido antes de 2023.

ISDS Case Map