Press TV | 11-may-2015
The United States has rejected a European Union proposal to establish a global investment court aimed at resolving disputes arising from a massive free trade treaty with the US.
Zawya | 11-may-2015
Foreign investment is crucial for reviving Egypt’s economy, but a new report reveals it can come at a considerable cost, writes Stefan Weichert
The Parliament Magazine | 7-may-2015
MEPs have threatened to block TTIP if ISDS is included, despite revised plans presented to them by European trade commissioner Cecilia Malmström.
Belga | 7-may-2015
La proposition de la commissaire européenne au Commerce, Cecilia Malmström, pour améliorer les procédures d’arbitrage (ISDS) entre États et multinationales dans le cadre de l’accord de libre-échange UE/États-Unis a reçu un accueil mitigé mercredi au Parlement européen.
EurActiv | 7-may-2015
European Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström tried to convince MEPs that there are ways to keep the Investment-State Dispute Settlement in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment partnership deal. But unimpressed lawmakers failed to greet it as a full-fledged reform.
EurAsia Review | 6-may-2015
From an international policy point of view, South Africa’s denunciation of BITs is reasonable. It may even be seen as a refreshing retreat from a legal quagmire. But the domestic reality requires wider consideration.
Macleans | 6-may-2015
Mission accomplished? Not quite. American negotiations with Europe may trigger more changes to CETA
Korea Times | 6-may-2015
V.V. Veeder, a British national, has been appointed as the presiding arbitrator for a $4.7 billion international litigation between the Korean government and Dallas-based Lone Star Funds, sources said Tuesday.
Social Sciences Research Network | 6-may-2015
The European Commission’s most recent proposal for ISDS reflects a move away from fake reforms to something potentially more meaningful, but it is insufficient and unreliable, says legal expert Gus Van Harten.
The Guardian | 6-may-2015
Alfred de Zayas said the UN will publish a report in August to illustrate the flaws in current plans for the TTIP.