from the movements
TNI | 15-Dec-2020
Amidst growing concerns that the ECT undermines urgent climate action, its corporate profiteers, the ECT Secretariat, and others are spewing propaganda, promoting falsehoods about how the treaty attracts clean investment.
Stop Corporate Impunity | 12-Dec-2020
150 organizations are asking the government of Ecuador to appeal the arbitration award issued by the Dutch justice system in favor of the oil transnational Chevron.
Diálogo 2000 | 11-Dec-2020
En solidaridad con decenas de miles de afectados por el mayor desastre ambiental que ha impactado a la Amazonía ecuatoriana, más de 150 organizaciones, redes, movimientos, y sindicatos, entre ellas Diálogo 2000-Jubileo Sur Argentina, en representación de más de 85 millones de personas a nivel internacional, piden al Gobierno de Ecuador que apele ante la justicia holandesa el laudo arbitral que favorece a la petrolera Chevron.
AITEC | 10-Dec-2020
Le Traité sur la charte de l’énergie est une arme juridique puissante aux mains des investisseurs et entreprises du secteur des énergies fossiles.
Ecologistas en Acción | 9-Dec-2020
201 personas de la comunidad científica piden a la UE y a los 52 países signatarios del Tratado sobre la Carta de la Energía (TCE) que lo abandonen de inmediato para cumplir con los objetivos de la transición energética.
Mining Watch | 4-Dec-2020
Barrick is offering the government of Papua New Guinea to pause legal proceedings upon signing of a framework agreement to reverse the decision not to grant it a licence renewal for its former Porgera mine.
Climate Action Network | 4-Nov-2020
The treaty is incompatible with the EU’s climate commitments and the current modernisation process will not fix this, as the necessary reforms are either opposed by other contracting parties or not being discussed.
TWN | 23-Oct-2020
Meaningful reform aligned with sustainable development seems less likely
Friends of the Earth International | 20-Oct-2020
Our call to suspend all ISDS cases during and beyond the COVID-19 crisis.
Friends of the Earth International | 20-Oct-2020
Notre appel à suspendre tous les procès ISDS pendant et après la crise de la COVID-19.