indigenous peoples
CCSI | 17-Sep-2024
From the perspective of investment-affected communities, foreign investments arise out of a partnership between the investor and the state. Impacted people are often not consulted or involved in project establishment or development.
Inside Climate News | 12-Jun-2024
Investor-state dispute settlement allows foreign investors to sue governments for billions. A new report highlights this international legal system harms Indigenous Latin Americans.
Public Citizen | 11-Jun-2024
How Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) harms indigenous communities.
The Maple | 22-Apr-2024
The Canadian and Ecuadorian governments continue to forge ahead with free trade agreement plans, despite opposition from social movements and Indigenous Peoples within Ecuador, along with rampant instability.
LAB | 19-Jul-2023
International Delegation stands with mining-affected people to urge administration of President Gustavo Petro to withdraw from corporate courts.
TNI | 21-Jun-2023
Durante la última semana, el Transnational Institute (TNI) participó de la delegación internacional compuesta por investigadores y organizaciones de Derechos Humanos para identificar y sistematizar denuncias en torno a los abusos de las empresas transnacionales en Colombia.
Open Democracy | 16-Mar-2023
La extracción masiva del carbón en La Guajira genera beneficios récord mientras la empresa demanda al Estado colombiano para continuar con su proyecto de explotar el río que defienden los indígenas
Mining Watch | 2-Mar-2023
El Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Ecuador y Canadá no beneficia a los pueblos indígenas, a los territorios ni al medio ambiente. El TLC sólo será otro instrumento del poder corporativo, esgrimido por las élites nacionales para profundizar la lógica de la devastación.
Mining Watch | 2-Mar-2023
A Free Trade Agreement between Ecuador and Canada is not in the interests of Indigenous peoples, territories or the environment. The FTA will only be another instrument of corporate power, wielded by the national elites to deepen the rationale for devastation.
América Latina Mejor sin TLC | 1-Nov-2022
La Plataforma América Latina Mejor Sin TLC presenta el segundo número de la serie “Debates Urgentes”. En este caso se trata de un material elaborado por Ecuador Decide Mejor Sin TLC.