The Monitor | 17-Dec-2021
The Keystone XL (KXL) pipeline was back in the news last week for a couple of reasons.
Client Earth | 15-Dec-2021
This legal briefing explains how the implications of the Komstroy ruling, alongside other recent CJEU decisions, on pending and future intra-EU ISDS claims.
Ecologistas en Acción | 3-Dec-2021
El pleno del Ayuntamiento de Cádiz aprueba una moción instando al Gobierno de España a abandonar el Tratado de la Carta de la Energía (TCE).
Explique moi le commerce | 24-Nov-2021
Que va-t-il changer? Va-t-il être ratifié? Peut-il renforcer les droits humains en Chine? etc.
Counter Punch | 24-Nov-2021
Extractive companies are the most frequent users of the investor-state dispute settlement system (ISDS), making up 29 percent of all ICSID claims in fiscal year 2021.
Chile Mejor sin TLC | 9-Nov-2021
Chile es el país de la región con la mayor cantidad de tratados internacionales que incluyen capítulos de protección de las inversiones extranjeras.
AFTINET | 8-Nov-2021
In a significant step forward in the campaign against Investor-State Dispute Settlements (ISDS), Australia has announced its withdrawal from its signatory status to the Energy Charter Treaty. | 2-Nov-2021
Allowing oil, mining, and gas companies to continue to file expensive lawsuits over environmental regulations could undermine whatever agreements might be reached in the COP26 in Glasgow.
Global Justice Now | 28-Oct-2021
Courts allow big polluters to sue governments into “a state of climate paralysis”, campaigners say.
Attac | 28-Oct-2021
Une nouvelle publication révèle que cinq entreprises de l’énergie poursuivent des États pour leur politique climatique en leur réclamant 18 milliards de dollars de compensation.

ISDS Case Map