climate | 11-Dec-2023
Quand les Etats s’efforcent de prendre des mesures audacieuses pour réduire les émissions, leurs efforts sont compromis par une menace insidieuse : le Règlement des Différends entre Investisseurs et Etats (RDIE).
Collectif Stop CETA Mercosur | 8-Dec-2023
Sous la pression citoyenne, la France avait officiellement notifié sa volonté de retrait du Traité sur la charte de l’énergie en décembre 2022.
CCSI | 1-Dec-2023
Terminating investment treaties and withdrawing advance consent to ISDS would allow governments to clear the path from problematic treaties centered on investment protection and ISDS, which in practice benefit unsustainable investment.
The Australia Institute | 30-Nov-2023
Clive Palmer’s controversial legal strategies challenge Australia’s trade agreements and environmental laws, and have profound implications for global climate action.
IIED | 30-Nov-2023
To achieve the Paris Agreement’s climate goals, states must move away from fossil fuels. But investor–state dispute settlement (ISDS) — a system that enables companies to take states to international arbitration — can increase the cost of this transition.
Novethic | 30-Nov-2023
Créé dans les années 60, le "règlement des différents entre investisseurs et États" s’est transformé en obstacle majeur pour le climat.
Global Justice Now | 24-Nov-2023
Notes from the Energy Charter Treaty Conference reveal plans for the controversial Energy Charter Treaty to expand to more oil-producing countries.
Verfassungsblog | 22-Nov-2023
Australia is confronted with three multi-billion dollar investment treaty claims from a mining company, which serves as another illustration of how the international investment protection system poses a threat to an urgent and just energy transition.
The Guardian | 20-Nov-2023
Officials fear secret courts will block climate action and divert billions into coffers of fossil fuel investors.
UCL Press | 17-Nov-2023
The Energy Charter Treaty can be deployed to expand the fossil fuel industry’s rights and contextually counter democratic forces that animate the ecological transition.