intellectual property
La Vanguardia | 22-Nov-2023
La reciente solicitud de arbitraje de la multinacional Kellogg contra Venezuela hace resurgir un caso en el que, según expertos, el país tiene todas las de perder por el "expolio" de la planta de dicha empresa hace un lustro y la producción, sin autorización, de cereales con los nombres, logotipos e imágenes de las marcas originales.
CIAR Global | 21-Nov-2023
La compañía británica Kellogg Latin America Holding Company (One) Limited ha presentado una demanda de arbitraje de inversiones contra Venezuela ante el Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias relativas a Inversiones (CIADI).
IISD | 23-Dec-2021
Les discussions sur une décision sur les ADPIC en lien avec la Covid-19 et visant à accélérer la production et la distribution équitable de vaccins et de médicaments se poursuivent mais les accords d’investissement en sont absents.
IISD | 23-Dec-2021
Talks on a possible COVID-19-related TRIPS decision aimed at scaling up vaccine and therapeutics production and equitable distribution continue but investment agreements are absent from them.
Afronomics Law | 13-Dec-2021
African nations should not be expected to take the lead in addressing a climate emergency they did not create. The priority for Africa is to receive support and investment to build resilience and adapt to climate impacts.
Vanguard News Nigeria | 2-Sep-2021
AfCFTA roundtable brought together business leaders, academia, government representatives, trade, and legal experts to discuss and deliberate on dispute issues in implementing the agreement in Nigeria.
Le Monde | 10-May-2021
L’Union européenne et l’Inde ont convenus de relancer des négociations sur le commerce, la protection des investissements et les indications géographiques.
Nikkei Asia | 10-May-2021
The European Union and India agreed to resume stalled free-trade negotiations and seek closer cooperation to combat climate change at a virtual summit on Saturday.
Financial Express Bangladesh | 18-Jan-2021
Corporate globalisation and Covid-19 should also have taught developing countries that they must reject FTAs strengthening IPRs, ISDS and TNCs in order to secure policy space to ’build back better’.