from the movements
Global Justice Now | 2-Mar-2022
It is perfectly possible to withdraw from trade deals containing corporate courts, as former South African trade minister Rob Davies explains.
APWLD | 1-Mar-2022
APWLD is launching new Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) vs Women’s Human Rights briefers which elaborate on how ISDS is incompatible with human rights principles.
CIEL | 25-Feb-2022
The ICSID announced their rationale for a decision to reject a non-disputing party submission (amicus curiae) filed by the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL).
CCPA | 22-Feb-2022
Koch claims that Ontario’s abrupt cancellation of its cap-and-trade system in 2018 violated the NAFTA Chapter 11 minimum standard of treatment and expropriation clauses.
Convoca | 22-Feb-2022
Por segundo año consecutivo, en plena pandemia del Covid-19, el Perú es el país más demandado en los tribunales internacionales por controversias con inversionistas, al amparo de acuerdos y tratados bilaterales firmados entre los gobiernos, así como de contratos comerciales.
AFTINET | 15-Feb-2022
Environmental defenders in Thailand have slammed a decision by the Thai Government to reinstate formerly revoked mining licenses following a lengthy legal battle in an international arbitration tribunal.
IISD | 24-Jan-2022
The fossil fuel industry is the most litigious industry in the ISDS system by number of cases, accounting for almost 20% of the total known ISDS cases across all sectors.
Friends of the Earth Europe | 17-Jan-2022
A new example of how this secretive corporate court system is undermining climate and environmental policies of EU member states has been brought to light.
Explique moi le commerce | 4-Jan-2022
Comment et pourquoi les multinationales peuvent-elles mettre en justice les Etats?
Chile Mejor sin TLC | 22-Dec-2021
Las recomendaciones del informe apuntan a que desde la Constitución se ponga un candado a las empresas transnacionales y a los inversores extranjeros de tener estas prerrogativas de llevar al Estado a arbitraje internacional, cuando sienten que a través de una medida pública modifica o reduce sus ganancias.