Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 29-ene-2019
It would be a brave person who would gamble on the CJEU not extending its Achmea reasoning to the ECT. Perhaps the time for obituaries is not yet nigh, but the headstone is already being carved.
Reuters | 29-ene-2019
The EU-Canada free trade deal’s provisions on investor protection are in line with EU law, a senior court adviser said in a recommendation to the European Court of Justice.
L’Echo | 29-ene-2019
Le traité commercial avec le Canada est compatible avec le droit de l’Union, estime l’avocat général de la Cour de Justice de l’UE.
Open Democracy | 24-ene-2019
Campaigners dressed as wolves in suits invaded the streets of Davos to highlight the real face of private-sector influence.
TNI | 22-ene-2019
Join the movement to end corporate privilege, sign the petition!
Politis | 22-ene-2019
Cent cinquante ONG, syndicats et associations s’associent pour demander la fin des « tribunaux arbitraux » qui protègent les multinationales. Elles espèrent imposer le « devoir de vigilance » comme une nouvelle norme.
No al TTIP | 22-ene-2019
Coincidiendo con el inicio del Foro Económico Mundial en Davos 2019, una coalición de organizaciones de la sociedad civil, movimientos sociales y sindicatos de más de 18 países de la UE lanzan la campaña ‘Derechos para las personas, obligaciones para las multinacionales. Stop ISDS’.
European Commission | 18-ene-2019
The EU and its Member States submitted two papers to the UN Working Group under the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL).
New Europe | 18-ene-2019
22 of the 28 EU nations have committed to terminate their bilateral investment treaties and use their influence as home states and respondent-states to notify tribunals of the non-arbitrability of intra-EU bilateral investment treaties and Energy Charter Treaty claims.
CIAR Global | 18-ene-2019
El pasado 15 de enero, los Estados miembros de la UE emitieron una declaración en la que se comprometen a rescindir los Tratados Bilaterales de Inversión (TBIs) entre ellos como consecuencia jurídica del caso Achmea.