CNN Philippines | 9-Jun-2022
The Philippines and Israel inked the investment promotion and protection agreement that includes investor-state dispute settlement.
The Reporter | 15-Aug-2021
The Hague based Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) passed its final judgment on Friday rejecting the Israel based mining company’s, Israel Chemical Limited (ICL) compensation claims filed against the government of Ethiopia.
CIAR Global | 9-Oct-2020
El pasado 7 de octubre de 2020, un tribunal de arbitraje de la Corte Permanente de Arbitraje resolvió que Guatemala no incumplió el tratado invocado en el procedimiento que mantiene, desde 2018, con la israelí IC Power por una cuestión tributaria.
Haaretz | 19-Feb-2018
Decision comes six years after supplies were halted, forcing EMG shareholder Ampal into bankruptcy.
Globes | 4-Mar-2017
The international arbitration panel ruled that Egypt failed to protect the Sinai pipeline from terrorists.
Globes | 6-Oct-2016
A Mekorot subsidiary is threatening to sue Cyprus under its investment treaty with Israel.
Reuters | 9-Dec-2015
Egypt said on Sunday it would appeal an order by international arbitrators to pay $1.76 billion in compensation to state-owned Israel Electric Corp for halting gas supplies.
Jeune Afrique | 8-Dec-2015
L’Egypte a été condamnée à payer 1,76 milliard de dollars (1,61 milliard d’euros) d’indemnités à la Compagnie d’électricité d’Israël (CEI) | 3-Oct-2014
An ICSID arbitration panel rules in favour of Hungary against US/Israeli investors seeking €300 million in compensation for a failed casino project.

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