investor-state disputes | ISDS

Investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) refers to a way of handling conflicts under international investment agreements whereby companies from one party are allowed to sue the government of another party. This means they can file a complaint and seek compensation for damages. Many BITs and investment chapters of FTAs allow for this if the investor’s expectation of a profit has been negatively affected by some action that the host government took, such as changing a policy. The dispute is normally handled not in a public court but through a private abritration panel. The usual venues where these proceedings take place are the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (World Bank), the International Chamber of Commerce, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law or the International Court of Justice.

ISDS is a hot topic right now because it is being challenged very strongly by concerned citizens in the context of the EU-US TTIP negotiations, the TransPacific Partnership talks and the CETA deal between Canada and the EU.

Africa Intelligence | 24-Nov-2023
The battle over block OPL 245 between Nigeria and Italian major ENI was suspended on 16 November.
UNCTAD | 24-Nov-2023
A UNCTAD report highlights the interplay between efforts to tackle tax avoidance and protect investment, calling for accelerated reforms to align investment agreements with new global tax rules.
Global Justice Now | 24-Nov-2023
Notes from the Energy Charter Treaty Conference reveal plans for the controversial Energy Charter Treaty to expand to more oil-producing countries.
La Vanguardia | 22-Nov-2023
La reciente solicitud de arbitraje de la multinacional Kellogg contra Venezuela hace resurgir un caso en el que, según expertos, el país tiene todas las de perder por el "expolio" de la planta de dicha empresa hace un lustro y la producción, sin autorización, de cereales con los nombres, logotipos e imágenes de las marcas originales. | 22-Nov-2023
Aspectos destacados del taller organizado en Marruecos por Attac Maroc ,, CADTM Africa, GRAIN y el Observatorio Tunecino de Economía.
Verfassungsblog | 22-Nov-2023
Australia is confronted with three multi-billion dollar investment treaty claims from a mining company, which serves as another illustration of how the international investment protection system poses a threat to an urgent and just energy transition.
CIAR Global | 21-Nov-2023
La compañía británica Kellogg Latin America Holding Company (One) Limited ha presentado una demanda de arbitraje de inversiones contra Venezuela ante el Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias relativas a Inversiones (CIADI).
CIAR Global | 21-Nov-2023
Por CIAR Global | 17 de noviembre 2023 Cadence activa la cuenta atrás para negociar con México y evitar arbitraje La compañía británica Cadence Minerals ha informado de que, junto a su subsidiaria REM Mexico Limited, ha emitido una Solicitud de Consultas y Negociaciones al Gobierno de México bajo el Tratado Bilateral de Inversión Reino Unido-México (TBI), por la supuesta revocación de las concesiones mineras para el Proyecto de Litio Sonora por parte de la Dirección General de Minas de (...)
Cadence Minerals | 21-Nov-2023
Cadence Minerals and its subsidiary REM Mexico Limited have issued a request for consultations and negotiations to the Government of Mexico under the United Kingdom-Mexico Bilateral Investment Treaty.
CIAR Global | 21-Nov-2023
La minera suiza Glencore International AG ha presentado la cuarta demanda de arbitraje de inversiones contra Colombia ante el Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias relativas a Inversiones (CIADI).