The Ecologist | 2-Apr-2024
Trade deals are used to extract valuable resources from the Global South - but a recent victory shows we can make a difference.
The Real News Network | 25-Sep-2023
The crumbling of European empires after WWII didn’t usher in a new era of democracy—instead, we now live in a regime of international corporate rule. | 13-Jun-2023
Le colonialisme a entraîné l’imposition d’un régime juridique de commerce et d’investissement favorable aux États et entreprises coloniaux européens, dont les effets se font encore sentir aujourd’hui. | 5-Jun-2023
El colonialismo terminó imponiendo un régimen de comercio e inversiones legal, favorable a los europeos. | 25-May-2023
Colonialism resulted in the imposition of a legal trade and investment regime favourable to European colonial states and companies, which is still felt today.
The Conversation | 23-Jan-2023
A relatively new strategy for China is to challenge national security decisions before international tribunals using a method called investor-state dispute settlement.
Proceso Digital | 4-Nov-2022
"En septiembre recibimos notificación de la nota que entregó ZEDE. El tema es que a más tardar el 16 de diciembre tienen que meter solicitud e iniciar el arbitraje", el ministro de la Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico dijo.
The Real News Network | 3-Nov-2022
US senators argue that abolishing special economic zones known as ZEDEs would violate the provisions of CAFTA-DR, including the provision ensuring “fair and equitable treatment and full protection and security.”
Venezuelanalysis | 12-Jan-2022
With the US-backed "interim presidency" not going away, what are the implications for Venezuela’s foreign assets?
New Straits Times | 20-Oct-2021
Sudan’s government confiscated Petronas’s assets on the grounds that they were acquired "through illegal means" during Omar al-Bashir’s regime. Some argue that Sudan is turning on its allies "under the pretext of fighting corruption".

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