Le colonialisme a entraîné l’imposition d’un régime juridique de commerce et d’investissement favorable aux États et entreprises coloniaux européens, dont les effets se font encore sentir aujourd’hui.
Colonialism resulted in the imposition of a legal trade and investment regime favourable to European colonial states and companies, which is still felt today.
A relatively new strategy for China is to challenge national security decisions before international tribunals using a method called investor-state dispute settlement.
"En septiembre recibimos notificación de la nota que entregó ZEDE. El tema es que a más tardar el 16 de diciembre tienen que meter solicitud e iniciar el arbitraje", el ministro de la Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico dijo.
US senators argue that abolishing special economic zones known as ZEDEs would violate the provisions of CAFTA-DR, including the provision ensuring “fair and equitable treatment and full protection and security.”
Sudan’s government confiscated Petronas’s assets on the grounds that they were acquired "through illegal means" during Omar al-Bashir’s regime. Some argue that Sudan is turning on its allies "under the pretext of fighting corruption".