Infobae | 22-jul-2024
El Ciadi, tribunal que depende del Banco Mundial, instó a Marruecos pagar 150 millones de dólares al grupo Corral Morocco Holding.
The Monitor | 19-jul-2024
The welcome decision shines a light on Canada’s flawed defence in similar investor-state case against Canada.
Swiss Info | 18-jul-2024
The European Union will withdraw from the Energy Charter Treaty, an international agreement that protects investments in coal and oil. But Switzerland is sticking to the agreement which scientists considered incompatible with climate goals.
Public Citizen | 17-jul-2024
The World Bank has dismissed Canadian oil company TC Energy’s $15 billion ISDS case against the US sought due to lack of jurisdiction.
Les Affaires | 17-jul-2024
TC Énergie et son projet d’oléoduc Keystone XL ont subi un coup dur après une décision du tribunal qui a rejeté sa demande de réclamation de 15 milliards de dollars américains en dommages et intérêts.
Yabiladi | 16-jul-2024
The ICSID dismissed most of Corral Morocco Holding’s claims against Morocco, amounting to $2.7 billion, awarding the group $150 million.
Yabiladi | 16-jul-2024
Le CIRDI a rejeté la plupart des demandes du groupe Corral Morocco Holding contre le Maroc, estimées à 2,7 milliards de dollars, et lui a accordé une indemnisation de 150 millions de dollars.
CIAR Global | 11-jul-2024
Un tribunal de Bélgica ha autorizado el embargo de 32 millones de euros de contra la agencia española de navegación aérea ENAIRE hacia el pago del laudo del fondo Infrared, producto de los arbitrajes originados por las reclamaciones de compañías inversoras en España contra las reformas de las energías renovables.
Enterprise | 9-jul-2024
The World Bank’s ICSID dismissed claims brought against the Egyptian government by UAE-based CTIP Oil & Gas Investment Limited.
Morocco World News | 9-jul-2024
Morocco dismissed the claims, maintaining that the businessman was engaging in blackmail and illegal maneuvers to obstruct the liquidation process of Morocco’s sole oil refinery, Samir.