Climate Home News | 29-Oct-2020
Brussels’ proposed green reforms to the Energy Charter Treaty face resistance from Japan, yet do not go far enough for environmental campaigners.
EU Observer | 23-Oct-2020
Cross-party MEPs called on the European Commission to be prepared to withdraw from the controversial Energy Charter Treaty, if negotiations for its modernisation fail.
Drilled | 19-Oct-2020
Expert Marcos Orellana walks us through the shadowy arbitration system, the Chevron case in particular, and what it all means for global climate action.
IIED | 5-Oct-2020
A complex set of international legal measures protecting the fossil fuel industry risks significantly increasing the cost of moving to green energy and tackling climate change, a new report reveals.
CEO | 22-Sep-2020
The Energy Charter Treaty, which hardly anyone knows about, is a powerful instrument for fossil fuels companies to prevent climate protection.
Climate Home News | 16-Sep-2020
Negotiators have ruled out an overhaul of private courts that allow energy companies to sue national governments when climate change policies hurt their profits.
Novethic | 8-Sep-2020
Le Traité sur la charte de l’énergie, signé en 1994 par l’Europe et les pays de l’ancien bloc soviétique, donne aux investisseurs la possibilité d’attaquer les gouvernements qui modifieraient leur politique énergétique.
Euractiv | 8-Sep-2020
The 1991 Energy Charter Treaty must be profoundly overhauled in order to remove all “obsolete” provisions protecting fossil fuel investments and hindering climate action, lawmakers from across Europe said.
Climate Change News | 8-Sep-2020
The Japanese government is blocking reform of a treaty that allows energy companies to sue nation states when climate policies affect their profits.
El Diario | 7-Sep-2020
El Tratado de la Carta de la Energía es incompatible con la consecución de los Acuerdos de París por su protección del statu quo: se trata de un acuerdo internacional de 53 países que deja en manos del arbitraje internacional la resolución de conflictos entre inversores y Estados