The United Nations has agreed to initiate work on possible multilateral reform of investment dispute settlement including the possible establishment of a multilateral investment court.
Un tribunal arbitral vient de mettre fin au bras de fer qui oppose l’Etat algérien à l’homme d’affaires égyptien Naguib Sawiris. Il a rejeté la réclamation de 4 milliards de dollars émise par ce dernier contre Alger.
Although the original UNCITRAL panel that heard the case allowed jurisdiction, the French Court of Appeals that heard Venezuela’s appeal annulled parts of that jurisdiction decision.
The place of arbitration matters because the law at the place of arbitration determines the procedural frame for the arbitration and therefore may have important consequences.
The Singapore International Arbitration Centre launched its Investment Arbitration Rules 2017, potentially marking a new chapter in the institutional administration of investor-State arbitration proceedings.
Cabinet’s endorsement of the draft International Arbitration Bill in April this year gave a welcome indication that South Africa would soon provide investors with one of the essential tools for operating in the modern global economy.
Recent developments indicate there may be increasing interest in the creation of alternative forms of dispute resolution for investor-State disputes. One potential alternative is mediation.