European Commission | 12-jul-2017
The United Nations has agreed to initiate work on possible multilateral reform of investment dispute settlement including the possible establishment of a multilateral investment court.
La Tribune | 9-jun-2017
Un tribunal arbitral vient de mettre fin au bras de fer qui oppose l’Etat algérien à l’homme d’affaires égyptien Naguib Sawiris. Il a rejeté la réclamation de 4 milliards de dollars émise par ce dernier contre Alger.
SAT PR | 15-may-2017
The Rules on Transparency provide procedural rules that ensure transparency and public accessibility to treaty-based investor-State arbitration.
Latin American Herald Tribune | 2-may-2017
Although the original UNCITRAL panel that heard the case allowed jurisdiction, the French Court of Appeals that heard Venezuela’s appeal annulled parts of that jurisdiction decision.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 24-mar-2017
The place of arbitration matters because the law at the place of arbitration determines the procedural frame for the arbitration and therefore may have important consequences.
Borderlex | 24-ene-2017
In reality, the EU’s plans are not realistic in the current international context, nor will they appease ISDS critics
Lexology | 13-ene-2017
The Singapore International Arbitration Centre launched its Investment Arbitration Rules 2017, potentially marking a new chapter in the institutional administration of investor-State arbitration proceedings.
IOL | 18-oct-2016
Cabinet’s endorsement of the draft International Arbitration Bill in April this year gave a welcome indication that South Africa would soon provide investors with one of the essential tools for operating in the modern global economy.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 30-sep-2016
Recent developments indicate there may be increasing interest in the creation of alternative forms of dispute resolution for investor-State disputes. One potential alternative is mediation.
Mongabay | 13-sep-2016
International trade agreement provisions once meant to protect investors today can challenge a nation’s sovereignty and invalidate environmental laws.