Zone Bourse | 12-avr-2024
Le groupe minier australien Berkeley Energia va porter son différend avec l’Espagne devant un tribunal d’arbitrage international après que le pays a refusé de donner son approbation finale à une mine d’uranium près de la ville de Salamanque.
Mining.com | 12-avr-2024
Australian mining group Berkeley Energia will take its dispute with Spain to international arbitration after the country refused to give final approval to a uranium mine near the city of Salamanca.
La Información | 10-avr-2024
La empresa ha asegurado que el Gobierno de España no ha mantenido ningún contacto para evitar la disputa y que "no ha tenido más opción que tomar medidas y hacer valer sus derechos en el proyecto de Salamanca".
Spotmedia | 8-avr-2024
Romania has placed a lien on over 80% of the shareholding held by Gabriel Resources in Roșia Montană Gold Corporation to recover its $10 million arbitration costs incurred over a 9-year process in Washington.
The News | 5-avr-2024
The caretaker government had ratified the draft of FTA, including the Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT).
Orla Mining | 21-mar-2024
Orla Mining is exploring all legal remedies available to protect its investments in respect of the Cerro Quema Project. The company intends file a notice of intent to arbitrate under the Panama-Canada Free Trade Agreement.
Comment Central | 18-mar-2024
Given the breadth of the policy areas that CPTPP accession will impact upon, how can UK membership have been subject to so little public debate ? The answer is that the structures via which trade deals are negotiated and ratified are opaque and undemocratic.
Yahoo | 18-mar-2024
Almaden delivered to Mexico written notice of its intention to submit a claim to arbitration against Mexico under the CPTPP.
Cajar | 13-mar-2024
El pasado 28 de febrero de 2024, el Estado colombiano fue notificado de la decisión adoptada por el Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias Relativas a las Inversiones (CIADI) del Banco Mundial en el caso No. ARB/18/12, el cual, le da la razón a Colombia frente a la demanda de la multinacional Red Eagle Exploration Limited
Radio-Canada | 11-mar-2024
Une compagnie minière canadienne a perdu une procédure d’arbitrage contre la Roumanie, qui avait bloqué son projet d’exploitation d’une mine d’or sur un site désormais inscrit sur la liste du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO, a annoncé Bucarest.