CIEL | 16-Mar-2016
The Canadian company’s Angostura mining project in the high-altitude wetlands, or páramo, of Santurbán, has announced that it could file an international arbitration suit against Colombia over measures to protect the páramo, which are important sources of water in the country.
Amigos de la Tierra | 25-Feb-2016
La demanda de la empresa TransCanada por 15.000 millones de dólares demuestra la amenaza del TTIP a la democracia y el medio ambiente
Ecoticias | 24-Feb-2016
La primera jornada de las debates se ha abierto con la protesta de la ONG Greenpeace, después de que una treintena de activistas de siete países, entre ellos varios españoles, se hayan encadenado a la entrada del centro de conferencias donde tiene lugar el encuentro, según ha informado la organización en un comunicado.
CNN | 22-Feb-2016
This threat to the law and to democratic processes has no place in a 21st century trade agreement and should be removed before these agreements can be seriously considered.
RT | 23-Dec-2015
El TPP da a más de 9.000 empresas extranjeras el derecho de violar leyes que protegen el medioambiente y evitar los tribunales.
Now | 11-Dec-2015
Mining sins in poor countries are likely to get worse under Trans-Pacific Partnership.
SSRN | 9-Dec-2015
The study focused on whether ISDS contributed to changes in internal vetting of government decisions related to environmental protection in the province of Ontario, Canada.
El Diario | 24-Nov-2015
El economista José Ramón Mariño, de la organización internacional ATTAC, advierte de que si no se ponen salvaguardas, las empresas de Estados Unidos podrán vender en Europa sus productos sin cumplir normativas ambientales o sanitarias.
Business & Human Rights Resource Centre | 24-Nov-2015
The smoke haze that has engulfed Singapore, Malaysia and other parts of Southeast Asia for two months could violate international law and be the subject of an investment treaty claim against Indonesia.
CIEL | 19-Nov-2015
Like TPP, U.S. free trade agreement (FTA) formed in the past two decades have similarly promised meaningful and enforceable labor and environmental safeguards.