The Global Legal Post | 6-oct-2015
The bankruptcy of oil and gas giant Yukos led to multiple proceedings against the Russian state and some enormous awards.
Tele Sur | 25-sep-2015
Canadians must now counter Chevron’s inevitable propaganda campaign as the legal battle continues.
Financial Express | 15-sep-2015
Cairn Energy is set to approach the International Court of Justice (ICJ), asking it to appoint an arbitrator on behalf of the Indian government in its $1.6 bn...
Latin American Herald Tribune | 8-sep-2015
A U.S. Federal Court has upheld U.S. enforcement of an International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) arbitration agreeing that U.S. oil giant ConocoPhillips has the right to take Venezuela state oil company PDVSA’s 50% stake.
El País | 7-ago-2015
Spain has suffered its first setback in an international arbitration process over its cuts to renewable energy subsidies.
Bloomberg | 4-ago-2015
A provision in the North American Free Trade Agreement would let the Canadian company TransCanada Corp. recoup some of the $2.4 billion spent on its Keystone XL project
Bechtel | 19-jul-2015
In exchange for $160 million in compensation for its equity and contractor claims, Bechtel agreed to forgo international arbitration over the expropriation of its investment.
Global Arbitration News | 6-may-2015
The Italian government has recently declared its withdrawal from the Energy Charter Treaty (“ECT”).
Amazon Watch | 9-abr-2015
An apparent Chevron whistleblower has sent Amazon Watch dozens of internal company videos showing Chevron employees and consultants manipulating evidence linked to the oil giant’s extensive contamination - and legal dispute - in Ecuador.
Huffington Post | 28-mar-2015
In Chevron’s massive international arbitration directly against the government of Ecuador, it has gotten everything it has asked for from the panel of arbitrators — until last week.