Ascent Resources | 10-abr-2020
Ascent Resources Plc, the onshore European and Caribbean / Hispanic American oil and gas company, has received a Letter of Intent for up to €3 million of potential litigation funding in Slovenia.
IISD | 28-mar-2020
Los demandantes iniciaron el arbitraje del CIADI contra España, alegando violaciones del Tratado sobre la Carta de la Energía, incluidas el trato justo y equitativo, la cláusula paraguas y de no perjuicio.
IISD | 28-mar-2020
Les demandeurs ont entamé un arbitrage CIRDI contre l’Espagne, invoquant des violations du Traité sur la charte de l’énergie, notamment les clauses de traitement juste et équitable, de parapluie et de non-entrave.
IISD | 28-mar-2020
The claimants initiated ICSID arbitration against Spain, claiming breaches of the Energy Charter Treaty, including the fair and equitable treatment, umbrella and non-impairment clauses.
EJIL: Talk! | 18-mar-2020
While policies aiming to phase out coal are necessary to tackle climate change, they may give rise to legal claims from companies whose investments are adversely affected by the low-carbon energy transition.
Glasgow Guardian | 16-mar-2020
Civil society activists and scientific experts denounce the unsustainable practice of investment disputes under the Energy Charter Treaty.
El Confidencial | 11-mar-2020
El Ciadi desestima las reclamaciones de dos fondos suecos que habían invertido en hidráulica. El laudo, por unanimidad, se suma a los tres anteriores recibidos desde diciembre
Murcia Economía | 3-mar-2020
La cifra es muy inferior a los 520 millones que pedían, según el Tribunal de la Comisión de las Naciones Unidas para el Derecho Mercantil Internacional (Uncitral).
The Corner | 2-mar-2020
Naturgy has agreed with Eni and Egypt to end their dispute over Unión Fenosa (UFG), in which the Spanish and Italian firms own 50% each.
EN24 | 26-feb-2020
For the Kingdom, Carlyle did not justify the existence of investments in Morocco. The American group invokes the Morocco-United States free trade agreement while the contracts with Samir concern entities based in the Cayman Islands.