The Moscow Times | 7-dic-2020
The Netherlands’ top court ruled that shareholders in dismantled oil giant Yukos can continue to pursue Russia for $50 billion in compensation pending a final judgement in a long legal saga.
EU Observer | 4-dic-2020
The European Commission has confirmed for the first time that Brussels could withdraw from the controversial Energy Charter Treaty (ECT), which critics say shields the fossil-fuel industry.
Climate Action Network | 4-nov-2020
The treaty is incompatible with the EU’s climate commitments and the current modernisation process will not fix this, as the necessary reforms are either opposed by other contracting parties or not being discussed.
Climate Home News | 29-oct-2020
Brussels’ proposed green reforms to the Energy Charter Treaty face resistance from Japan, yet do not go far enough for environmental campaigners.
EU Observer | 23-oct-2020
Cross-party MEPs called on the European Commission to be prepared to withdraw from the controversial Energy Charter Treaty, if negotiations for its modernisation fail.
La Información | 22-oct-2020
El Ministerio de Transición Ecológica espera un goteo de nuevas solicitudes hasta el 18 de diciembre, cuando finaliza el plazo de aceptación de nuevas condiciones.
CIAR Global | 6-oct-2020
Masdar ha renunciado a los 80 millones de euros del laudo que le favoreció en el arbitraje de inversiones mantenido con España ante CIADI por las reformas energéticas de las renovables.
IIED | 5-oct-2020
A complex set of international legal measures protecting the fossil fuel industry risks significantly increasing the cost of moving to green energy and tackling climate change, a new report reveals.
Clean Energy Wire | 5-oct-2020
The German government writes that around 21.7 million euros have been spent on lawyers, expert witnesses and court fees.
CIAR Global | 2-oct-2020
España ha obtenido la suspensión de dos laudos relacionados con las arbitrajes de las renovables ante tribunales estadounidenses.