Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 19-nov-2019
Global investment governance needs to be redesigned for the 21st century, with people and the planet at the core.
The Ecologist | 28-oct-2019
We must call for an end to the deregulatory ‘free trade’ and tax policies that make practices like re-importation and redundant trade profitable.
Euractiv | 22-oct-2019
Les procès intentés par des investisseurs contre des États se multiplient au niveau mondial, menaçant les lois sur la protection du climat, selon les défenseurs de l’environnement.
Euractiv | 21-oct-2019
A global rise in investor lawsuits against nation-sates is putting climate protection laws under threat, activists warn.
Forbes | 27-sep-2019
The company building the controversial Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline from Russia to Germany under the Baltic Sea today sued the European Union over new gas rules it says are threatening its investments in the project.
Euractiv | 23-sep-2019
The EU and its member states should collectively withdraw from the Energy Charter Treaty, which protects fossil fuel investments.
Alternatives Economiques | 20-sep-2019
Un nouveau cas de litige entre investisseurs étrangers et Etats se profile dans le cadre du Traité sur la Charte de l’énergie, à l’origine de nombreuses affaires qui ont défrayé la chronique en Europe.
Climate Home News | 24-jui-2019
Campaigners are urging reform of an obscure system that allows coal, oil and gas companies to sue governments if climate policies hit their profits.
Reuters | 29-mai-2019
Multinational companies will increasingly file massive cases against host countries when climate change policies affect their profits, Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz said.
In These Times | 23-avr-2019
To reduce emissions abroad, the US must renegotiate its trade agreements.