CAN Europe | 4-feb-2021
RWE has filed an arbitration claim against the Netherlands, seeking compensation for the Dutch decision to phase-out electricity production from coal by 2030.
The Conversation | 26-ene-2021
The owner of Keystone XL — TC Energy (previously TransCanada) — used NAFTA to launch a US$15 billion lawsuit in 2016 after President Barack Obama cancelled the project.
Reuters | 19-ene-2021
Alberta believes there was a “very solid” legal basis to seek damages under international free trade agreements if the pipeline is effectively killed, said Alberta Premier
TNI | 21-dic-2020
En medio de la creciente preocupación de que el TCE obstaculiza la acción urgente por el clima, las empresas que lucran con el acuerdo, la Secretaría del TCE y otros actores están difundiendo propaganda y promoviendo falsedades, como que el tratado atrae inversiones limpias y que “modernizarlo” resolvería sus defectos. Nuestra guía para derribar estos y otros mitos te permitirá ver más allá de la retórica y entender el mundo de la energía sucia, la estafa y los abusos corporativos que promueve el TCE.
Euractiv | 16-dic-2020
A two-day conference of the 54 parties to the Energy Charter Treaty will attempt to move forward in reforming the little-known charter, decried by environmentalists for protecting fossil fuel investments and blocking international efforts to curb global warming.
TNI | 15-dic-2020
Amidst growing concerns that the ECT undermines urgent climate action, its corporate profiteers, the ECT Secretariat, and others are spewing propaganda, promoting falsehoods about how the treaty attracts clean investment.
AITEC | 10-dic-2020
Le Traité sur la charte de l’énergie est une arme juridique puissante aux mains des investisseurs et entreprises du secteur des énergies fossiles.
EU Observer | 4-dic-2020
The European Commission has confirmed for the first time that Brussels could withdraw from the controversial Energy Charter Treaty (ECT), which critics say shields the fossil-fuel industry.
Climate Action Network | 4-nov-2020
The treaty is incompatible with the EU’s climate commitments and the current modernisation process will not fix this, as the necessary reforms are either opposed by other contracting parties or not being discussed.