West Law | 8-Feb-2021
Alberta’s Premier said that the Canadian province, which has an equity in the now-canceled Keystone XL pipeline, may seek compensation under investor-protection provisions still in effect under NAFTA
45 Secondes | 5-Feb-2021
L’Alberta, le cœur pétrolier du Canada, pourrait demander une compensation aux États-Unis après que le président nouvellement investi, Joe Biden, ait déménagé pour réparer le pipeline Keystone XL.
European Commission | 1-Feb-2021
The EU and Canada adopted four decisions putting in place the Investment Court System provisions agreed in the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA).
The Conversation | 26-Jan-2021
The owner of Keystone XL — TC Energy (previously TransCanada) — used NAFTA to launch a US$15 billion lawsuit in 2016 after President Barack Obama cancelled the project.
Connaissance des Energies | 20-Jan-2021
Un juge américain a estimé que le processus de la vente d’actions de Citgo, filiale aux États-Unis de la compagnie pétrolière d’État vénézuélienne PDVSA, pour le dédommagement de Crystallex, pouvait débuter.
Reuters | 19-Jan-2021
Alberta believes there was a “very solid” legal basis to seek damages under international free trade agreements if the pipeline is effectively killed, said Alberta Premier
The Irish Times | 17-Dec-2020
Important issues raised by CETA deserve more than a ludicrous 55-minute parliament debate.
Mining Watch | 4-Dec-2020
Barrick is offering the government of Papua New Guinea to pause legal proceedings upon signing of a framework agreement to reverse the decision not to grant it a licence renewal for its former Porgera mine.
CIAR Global | 2-Dec-2020
Un tribunal internacional del CIADI ha rechazado los argumentos de Colombia en el intento por declarar falta de jurisdicción en el arbitraje que mantiene con la minera canadiense Gran Colombia Gold y que invoca el incumplimiento del Tratado de Libre Comercio Canadá-Colombia (TLC).