actions | résistance
TNI | 19-avr-2014
Frank exchange of views between the EU Commission and civil society representatives on the introduction of special rights for companies in the TTIP, through the mechanism of investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS).
CEO | 17-avr-2014
See through the sweet-talk with Corporate Europe Observatory’s guide to investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS).
CEO | 17-avr-2014
This film presents some of the dangers of the investor rights within the proposed EU-US trade deal.
The Guardian | 14-avr-2014
A multinational mining company has been accused of launching "a direct assault on democratic governance" by suing El Salvador for more than US$300m (£179m) in compensation, after the tiny Central American country refused to allow it to dig for gold amid growing opposition to the exploitation of its mineral wealth.
AFL-CIO | 3-mar-2014
Millions of Americans are hoping the US government will immediately initiate open and fruitful discussions on ISDS.
CEO | 25-jan-2014
This week, the European Commission announced a freeze in negotiations over dangerous corporate rights in the proposed EU-US trade deal (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, TTIP) and that it would conduct a public consultation on the issue.
The Nation | 25-jan-2014
Activists are challenging rules that grant corporations the right to sue governments, write Robin Broad and John Cavanagh
Novethic | 15-jan-2014
De part et d’autre de l’Atlantique, des dizaines d’ONG surveillent de près le partenariat transatlantique de commerce et d’investissement négocié actuellement entre l’Union européenne et les États-Unis. Dans leur collimateur, une clause défendant la protection des investisseurs au détriment de celle des citoyens et de l’environnement.
FTA Watch | 8-jan-2014
A five-minute video from FTA Watch (Thailand)
Public Radio International | 4-jan-2014
Last month, a judge ruled that the Ecuadorians can pursue their case against Chevron in Canada.