Yonhap | 14-may-2015
An international tribunal will begin hearing a multi-billion dollar case this week that the US private equity firm Lone Star filed against South Korea’s government over tax and other disputes surrounding its asset sell-offs in Korea.
AFJ | 13-may-2015
A group of legal and economic luminaries have signed a letter to Congressional leaders urging them to oppose Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) provisions in proposed trade deals.
UNCTAD | 13-may-2015
According to UNCTAD, 40% of all new ISDS cases in 2014 were initiated against developed countries (the historical average is 28%). A quarter of them are intra-EU disputes.
Mining Watch | 12-may-2015
In anticipation of an imminent ruling from a little-known arbitration tribunal at the World Bank that could force El Salvador to pay Canadian-Australian mining firm OceanaGold US$301 million, a Salvadoran delegation is visiting Canada to discuss how investor-state arbitration threatens democratic decision-making, public health and the environment here and beyond our borders.
AFP | 11-may-2015
Un haut responsable américain a balayé lundi la proposition de la Commission européenne de créer un tribunal international pour régler les litiges entre États et investisseurs étrangers au lieu du mécanisme très controversé des tribunaux d’arbitrage (ISDS).
Press TV | 11-may-2015
The United States has rejected a European Union proposal to establish a global investment court aimed at resolving disputes arising from a massive free trade treaty with the US.
Zawya | 11-may-2015
Foreign investment is crucial for reviving Egypt’s economy, but a new report reveals it can come at a considerable cost, writes Stefan Weichert
The Parliament Magazine | 7-may-2015
MEPs have threatened to block TTIP if ISDS is included, despite revised plans presented to them by European trade commissioner Cecilia Malmström.
Belga | 7-may-2015
La proposition de la commissaire européenne au Commerce, Cecilia Malmström, pour améliorer les procédures d’arbitrage (ISDS) entre États et multinationales dans le cadre de l’accord de libre-échange UE/États-Unis a reçu un accueil mitigé mercredi au Parlement européen.
EurActiv | 7-may-2015
European Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström tried to convince MEPs that there are ways to keep the Investment-State Dispute Settlement in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment partnership deal. But unimpressed lawmakers failed to greet it as a full-fledged reform.