Euractiv | 22-Mar-2024
The European Commission’s plan to withdraw the bloc from the Energy Charter Treaty while allowing member states the right to remain if they choose was presented to Parliament.
Le Soir | 14-Mar-2024
Alors que la Belgique s’active pendant sa présidence de l’Union européenne (UE) à concrétiser une sortie du TCE par l’UE, elle refuse encore d’en sortir comme Etat. Un choix incohérent qu’elle pourrait payer très cher.
IISD | 12-Mar-2024
The proposal of a carveout emerges as a targeted damage control measure to address the recognized and urgent problem that ISDS poses to climate action.
Euractiv | 8-Mar-2024
Les Vingt-Sept ont approuvé le retrait coordonné de l’UE du traité international sur la charte de l’Énergie, jugé trop protecteur des investissements dans les énergies fossiles et que de nombreux pays, dont la France, ont déjà annoncé vouloir quitter.
Reuters | 8-Mar-2024
European Union countries agreed to jointly quit an international energy treaty over concerns that it undermines efforts to fight climate change, officials said.
Friends of the Earth Europe | 4-Mar-2024
Today marks a significant turning point as the Belgian EU Presidency brokered a deal with the European Commission and member states on the withdrawal from the Energy Charter Treaty.
RFI | 4-Mar-2024
Le Royaume-Uni a annoncé se retirer du traité sur la Charte de l’énergie et c’est une bonne nouvelle pour le climat. Ce traité permet en effet à une entreprise polluante de poursuivre en justice un Etat si elle juge que sa politique lui est préjudiciable.
Global Justice Now | 27-Feb-2024
On 22 February 2024 the UK announced it will leave the climate-wrecking Energy Charter Treaty.
Global Trade Review | 21-Feb-2024
The investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) system could be putting climate action at risk in emerging and developing economies as investors in fossil fuel projects angle for compensation, experts say.
The Guardian | 13-Feb-2024
Investor-State Dispute Settlements are legal, huge and often hush-hush – and fossil fuel firms and others are using them to hold the planet to ransom.