S2B Network | 6-jul-2021
More than 400 are calling on political leaders across all European countries to prioritise climate policies, to stick to their climate commitments, and therefore to initiate withdrawal from the Energy Charter Treaty by COP26.
CNCD 11.11.11 | 30-jun-2021
Des solutions existent pour mettre ce traité anachronique et contraire aux objectifs climatiques hors d’état de nuire.
El Salto | 29-jun-2021
Las grandes empresas presionan en secreto para obtener nuevas ventajas legales en la UE.
Collectif Stop Tafta | 29-jun-2021
Les lobbies des entreprises ont commencé à faire pression sur la Commission européenne pour créer un nouveau système de justice parallèle, similaire aux anciens TBI intra-UE, mais compatible avec le droit européen.
CEO | 29-jun-2021
Business lobby groups started lobbying the European Commission to create a new parallel justice system, similar to the old intra-EU BITs, but compatible with EU law.
Euractiv | 1ro-jun-2021
After four unsuccessful negotiation rounds, and with a fifth round starting this week that does not bring any silver linings in terms of outcome, the time has come for the EU and its member states to leave the ECT.
Global Arbitration News | 19-may-2021
For the Advocate General , the award must be subject to a comprehensive review of the award in light of EU law and the arbitration agreement must not violate the principle of equal treatment.
Le Monde | 10-may-2021
L’Union européenne et l’Inde ont convenus de relancer des négociations sur le commerce, la protection des investissements et les indications géographiques.
Nikkei Asia | 10-may-2021
The European Union and India agreed to resume stalled free-trade negotiations and seek closer cooperation to combat climate change at a virtual summit on Saturday.
Global Arbitration News | 26-abr-2021
The Higher Regional Court held that there was no room for reasonable doubt that the arbitration clause in the Croatia - Austria BIT was invalid based on the rulings in Achmea.