North America

Canada and the United States have signed about 180 investment agreements.

They are both party to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with Mexico. Sixty-seven disputes were launched under NAFTA.

NAFTA was recently renegotiated and replaced by the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) that was signed in November 2018 and is yet to enter in force. The investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanism between the US and Canada, and between Mexico and Canada has been removed – even though it is included in the Trans-Pacific Partnership, to which both Mexico and Canada belong. Only limited claims are allowed between the US and Mexico, after exhaustion of local remedies. But the ISDS mechanism has been maintained between the two countries for claims pertaining to Mexico’s oil and gas sector.

The US is also party to the Dominican Republic–Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), with six Central American states. US investors have initiated all 11 known CAFTA disputes.

Canada has an investment treaty with China and is party to the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) with the European Union. CETA includes a revised ISDS mechanism, the investment court system, which has been critiqued for not addressing the core of the problem behind the mechanism.

US investors have extensively used the ISDS mechanism. They have initiated around 180 disputes, over 17% of all known cases, making the US the most frequent home state of investors. The US has never lost an ISDS case.

Canadian investors have initiated about 50 disputes and Canada has been the fourth most frequent target among ‘developed’ states (9th globally), with 29 cases.

Photo: Public Citizen

(April 2020)

Reuters | 21-Dec-2023
Canadian pension fund Caisse de depot et placement du Quebec and the Mexican economy ministry have temporarily suspended an international arbitration procedure to try to reach an agreement.
La Jornada | 21-Dec-2023
Por mutuo acuerdo, el gobierno mexicano y los fondos Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec y CDP Groupe Infrastructures Inc. decidieron suspender temporalmente un procedimiento arbitral, iniciado por ambas firmas en materia energética.
Andina | 21-Dec-2023
El Estado peruano obtuvo otro triunfo en el Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias relativas a Inversiones, en el caso Maple Gas, donde Worth Capital Holdings abandonó el reclamo de 136.3 millones de dólares.
CIAR Global | 20-Dec-2023
Fondo inversor canadiense presenta un arbitraje de inversiones contra México relacionado con explotaciones energéticas.
CIAR Global | 19-Dec-2023
Almaden y Almadex, dos mineras canadienses, han solicitado consultas con México, previas al arbitraje internacional, en el marco del Acuerdo de Asociación Transpacífico.
IRIS | 18-Dec-2023
En février 2023, l’entreprise responsable du défunt projet d’exportation de gaz naturel liquéfié à Saguenay a déposé une poursuite en arbitrage international contre le Canada afin de réclamer des dommages et intérêts de 20 milliards de dollars.
Canada’s National Observer | 15-Dec-2023
A company launched a record-breaking NAFTA lawsuit against Canada — confirming the dire threat that investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) poses to bold climate action.
LPE Project | 15-Dec-2023
The stakes for Honduras are not simply the billions of dollars otherwise destined for health, housing, and education. They are the very existence of Crawfish Rock: the past and future of the families who have inhabited the island for centuries.
The Nation | 13-Dec-2023
A legal regime known as investor-state dispute settlements erode environmental regulation and increase fossil fuel industry profits.
Project Syndicate | 1-Dec-2023
The ongoing lawsuit brought against Honduras by an American company underscores the unjust and undemocratic nature of the investor-state dispute settlement system.