Business Monkey | 3-ago-2017
The Government of Spain has submitted to international arbitration tribunal ICSID appeal against the ruling which condemned him to pay 128 million euros plus interest to the British firm Eiser Infrastructure.
CIAR Global | 2-ago-2017
España busca la anulación del laudo del arbitraje iniciado por Eiser Infrastructure Limited y Energía Solar Luxembourg que le condena a una indemnización de 128 millones de euros por las subvenciones energéticas.
Lexology | 26-jul-2017
One should be cautious with jumping to conclusions for the still pending Spanish ECT cases.
Nasdaq | 24-jul-2017
Citigroup offered US$200m of Argentina bonds for sale as part of an arbitration agreement to help settle the sovereign’s obligations to French oil company Total.
Página 12 | 20-jul-2017
El Ministerio de Finanzas entregará a la petrolera francesa Total bonos por 210 millones de dólares para finalizar el juicio que la compañía mantenía contra el país en el tribunal arbitral dependiente del Banco Mundial.
Mondaq | 17-jul-2017
APR Energy PLC and Nucoal have been making noise about bringing investor-state claims against Australia
Lexology | 13-jul-2017
A number of the provisions of the new legislation are inconsistent with the protections afforded to qualifying investors under agreements such as bilateral investment treaties.
CDE | 12-jul-2017
La justice américaine a rejeté une requête d’ExxonMobil lui demandant d’ordonner au Venezuela d’honorer une décision internationale imposant à Caracas de lui verser 188 millions de dollars pour avoir nationalisé un actif pétrolier en 2007.
The Globe and Mail | 12-jul-2017
A U.S. appeals court said a lower court judge erred in entering a judgment to enforce the $1.6-billion award, since reduced to about $188-million.
El Tiempo | 7-jul-2017
Gobierno se defiende diciendo que “España no fue notificada antes de la sentencia”, como pide la ley.