CEO | 23-Feb-2021
Sign the petition to pull out of the Energy Charter Treaty and stop its expansion to other countries!
EU Observer | 23-Feb-2021
The treaty enables companies to claim billions in compensation from states in front of international arbitration tribunals, if they feel unfairly treated by the states’ energy or climate policies.
Basta! | 23-Feb-2021
Un accord international méconnu, le Traité sur la charte de l’énergie, pourrait détruire les efforts des pays européens pour atteindre leurs objectifs climatiques. Face aux industries de l’énergie, ONG et parlementaires tentent d’alerter sur cette menace.
Collectif Stop CETA | 23-Feb-2021
Le Traité sur la charte de l’énergie (TCE) est un traité peu connu, mais aux effets nocifs considérables.
El Salto Diario | 17-Feb-2021
Las ministras Teresa Ribera, Arancha González y Reyes Maroto envían una misiva a la Comisión Europea en la que abogan por la retirada del Tratado si en el proceso de reforma del mismo este no se alinea con los objetivos de París. | 17-Feb-2021
A petition to ensure the Energy Charter Treaty will no longer be used against EU climate and energy policies is now available for supporters on the European Parliament website.
Reuters | 16-Feb-2021
Some governments have said the bloc should consider quitting the agreement because the treaty could threaten climate goals.
TASS | 8-Feb-2021
The Russian side also repeatedly drew attention to the fact that Yukos shareholders have no right to use modern protection mechanisms, since the privatization of the company was accompanied by deception, corruption and tax evasion
West Law | 8-Feb-2021
Alberta’s Premier said that the Canadian province, which has an equity in the now-canceled Keystone XL pipeline, may seek compensation under investor-protection provisions still in effect under NAFTA
Le Soir | 5-Feb-2021
Le géant allemand de l’énergie RWE réclame à l’Etat néerlandais une compensation à son projet d’interdire la production d’électricité à l’aide de centrales au charbon. L’entreprise estime qu’elle pourrait subir 1,4 milliard d’euros de dommages.