Rabble | 10-Mar-2016
More than 2,000 people marched in Lima, Peru in opposition to the government’s plan to privatize public water services.
EurActiv | 9-Mar-2016
Paris would like to “copy-paste” key passages from the EU-Canada free trade agreement, concluded this week, particularly those relating to the arbitration court that is such a controversial issue in Europe.
EurActiv | 8-Mar-2016
Paris souhaiterait « copier-coller » certains passages clés de l’accord de libre-échange conclu cette semaine entre l’Union européenne et le Canada, notamment ceux relatifs à la cour d’arbitrage tant décriée en Europe.
The Globe and Mail | 7-Mar-2016
This is one of the problems with this regime of investor rights. It confers enormous discretion on an elite corps of lawyers.
Público | 4-Mar-2016
La Comisión presentó este lunes el nuevo mecanismo de resolución de disputas entre inversores y estados en el CETA, una suerte de blindaje para las multinacionales que les permite demandar a los países en los que inviertan si consideran truncadas sus "expectativas de ganancias" por cambios normativos o legales efectuados por los estados.
Huffington Post | 4-Mar-2016
Corporations can still sue governments over public policy decisions they don’t like but the real lesson from the ISDS reforms, in fact, is that public opposition and political mobilization can change things.
EU Observer | 1-Mar-2016
Despite all the talk of reform from commissioner Malmstroem, the threat to democratic decision-making is as alive and dangerous as ever.
European Commission | 29-Feb-2016
The European Commission and the Canadian Government have agreed to include a new approach on investment protection and investment dispute settlement in CETA.
Commission européenne | 29-Feb-2016
La Commission européenne et le gouvernement canadien sont convenus d’inscrire une nouvelle approche concernant la protection des investissements et le règlement des différends en matière d’investissements dans le CETA.
Reuters | 25-Feb-2016
Venezuela llegó a un acuerdo para buscar una solución a un prolongado conflicto por arbitraje con la minera canadiense Gold Reserve, que reclama una indemnización de 750 millones de dólares tras el abrupto fin de una concesión que mantuvo en el país sudamericano hasta 2009.