LRT | 4-Feb-2025
Belarusian potash fertiliser producer Belaruskali wants 12 billion US dollars in compensation from Lithuania after it suspended transit shipments across its territory in 2022.
LRT | 22-Jan-2025
After Belarusian potash fertiliser giant Belaruskali filed a lawsuit against Lithuania to the International Court of Arbitration, Lithuania says it does not agree with the allegations.
RTBF | 21-Feb-2023
La Région bruxelloise, par la voix de son ministre de la transition climatique, Alain Maron, appelle la Belgique au retrait coordonné européen "le plus rapide possible de ce Traité anachronique de protection des investissements dans les énergies fossiles".
Belarus Digest | 22-Jan-2019
In late 2017 and 2018, Belarus faced a record-breaking three investment arbitration claims.
Ministry of External Affairs, Goverrnment of India | 3-Jan-2019
CIS Arbitration Forum | 14-Jun-2017
Taking into account the past Belarus practice of investor – state dispute settlement, the parties are more likely to settle Manolium Processing claim as a part of the pre-arbitration negotiations than by ICSID arbitration.