EurActiv | 15-ene-2015
The two countries are discussing throwing their combined weight behind a common position to exclude an Investor State Dispute Settlement mechanism from trade talks with the US
Toronto Star | 14-ene-2015
Study charts foreign corporations’ growing use of NAFTA’s investor protections to sue governments over environmental and economic regulations
Stop TTIP and TTIP Unfairhandelbar | 14-ene-2015
An overwhelming majority of Europeans has spoken out against ISDS in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
Le Monde | 13-ene-2015
The consultation on investor arbitration that the European Commission launched in Spring 2014 delivered an unambiguous verdict: today, public opinion does not want it.
Le Monde | 13-ene-2015
La consultation lancée par la Commission européenne au printemps 2014 sur les arbitrages d’investissement, et dont elle n’a rendu les conclusions que mardi 13 janvier, a livré un résultat sans nuances : l’opinion publique, aujourd’hui, n’en veut pas.
EU Commission | 13-ene-2015
Today, the European Commission published its analysis of the almost 150,000 replies to its online consultation on investment protection and investor-to-state dispute settlement (ISDS) in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
EurActiv | 13-ene-2015
La commission du commerce international du Parlement européen s’oppose clairement au mécanisme de règlement des différends entre investisseurs et États, une clause intégrée au TTIP.
Público | 9-ene-2015
El Acuerdo Transatlántico de Comercio e Inversiones es un proyecto que va más allá del comercio. Es un proyecto geopolítico, ideológico y social que supera el ámbito de la economía. El TTIP y su complemento, el ISDS, son un ataque directo a la democracia actual y futura...
European Commission | 7-ene-2015
As published by the European Commission
Aporrea | 29-dic-2014
Entrevista a Michael Efler: portavoz de la Iniciativa Ciudadana Europea contra el tratado entre la UE y EEUU