No to ISDS | 17-jui-2014
Outil qui vous aidera à participer — avant le 6 juillet 2014 — à la consultation de la Commission européenne sur mécanisme de règlement des différends investisseur-Etat (ISDS en anglais) du TTIP en disant NON à ISDS !
No to ISDS | 17-jui-2014
Web tool to participate — until 6 July 2014 — in the EU consultation on investor-state dispute in TTIP and say NO to ISDS !
BBC | 12-jui-2014
Should foreign businesses have the right to take a sovereign state to arbitration to seek compensation for a change in the law or government policy ? And if so, in exactly what circumstances ?
FFII | 28-mai-2014
ISDS gives the US an unfair advantage — we can not expect EU companies to win ISDS cases against the US.
No al TTIP | 26-mai-2014
La decisión de la Comisión Europea de llevar a Consulta la inclusión del mecanismo de Solución de Controversias Inversionista-Estado en el capítulo de Inversión del Tratado Transatlántico de Comercio e Inversiones (TTIP), es claramente el resultado de la creciente preocupación y presión de las organizaciones sociales europeas y de la ciudadanía en general.
Reuters | 23-mai-2014
This week, for the first time, the Ecuadorean government disclosed the results of water and soil testing conducted in 2013 by its experts — the US environmental, engineering and infrastructure consultant Louis Berger Group — at five sites once operated by Chevron predecessor Texaco.
DW | 23-mai-2014
The TTIP trade agreement between the US and the EU is continuing to cause a major row in Europe. Economist Christoph Scherrer tells DW that the corporations’ right to file lawsuits will be particularly problematic.
PTI | 15-mai-2014
With tax authorities pressing with over Rs 21,000 crore in unpaid dues, Finnish telecom major Nokia has invoked the Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (BIPA) India has with Finland to resolve the dispute.
TWN | 14-mai-2014
A prominent international lawyer has launched a scathing critique of the international arbitration system that deals with investor-state disputes, describing the investment treaties that give rise to this system as "weapons of legal destruction"
Indian Express | 13-mai-2014
Entangled in a protracted tax mess in the country, Nokia has said that it would like to address the issue under the bilateral investment treaty between Finland and India, sources told The Indian Express.