FT | 22-Jan-2014
EU trade commissioner Karel de Gucht pledged to release a proposed negotiating text of the investment chapter of any deal in March.
Reuters | 21-Jan-2014
La Comisión Europea suspendió hoy en parte las negociaciones de libre comercio con Estados Unidos, según anunció el comisario de Comercio, Karel de Gucht, que explicó que en los próximos tres meses habrá que realizar una consulta sobre unas polémicas cláusulas para proteger las inversiones de las empresas.
ITN | 21-Jan-2014
Perhaps because so many countries in the region have faced multiple international investment arbitrations based on multi-million dollar claims for compensations, a number of alternatives to the current system of investment dispute resolution have been drawn up.
CILJ | 21-Jan-2014
Given the substantial problems with the current ICSID framework and the large number of cases currently pending against Argentina, denouncing the SID Convention and leaving the ICSID is the best course for the country.
S2B | 21-Jan-2014
Seattle to Brussels Network analysis of the European Commission’s note on “Investment Provisions in the EU-Canada free trade agreement”
The Independent | 21-Jan-2014
The European Commission is to rethink its approach to a controversial US trade deal which campaign groups in the UK have warned would fundamentally erode Britain’s sovereignty.
IISD | 20-Jan-2014
Libya ordered to pay US$935 million to Kuwaiti company for cancelled investment project; jurisdiction established under Unified Agreement for the Investment of Arab Capital.
The Australian | 17-Jan-2014
An American investor plans to invoke the US-Australia Free Trade Agreement to prevent the NSW government cancelling a coal exploration licence that the Independent Commission Against Corruption said is tainted by corruption and should be expunged.
The Nation | 15-Jan-2014
Activists are challenging rules that grant corporations the right to sue governments.
Mondaq | 15-Jan-2014
A proposal for a new form of international arbitration, with states abandoning sovereign rights to commercial dispute litigation in favor of resolution by arbitration, has provoked wide public interest and is now being drafted into an international model treaty.

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