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Open Democracy | 21-aoû-2018
An obscure agreement – the Energy Charter Treaty – allows energy firms to sue countries who take action to stop climate breakdown.
The Guardian | 16-aoû-2018
ConocoPhillips and Perenco try to stop £140m levy from sale of oilfields in key case for tax avoidance by multinationals.
Expropriate | 4-aoû-2018
On 29 July 1918, the British judiciary proffered the Empire’s most expressly and egregiously racist justification for the land dispossession of indigenous peoples. Today, an ICSID tribunal continues that mission. No matter which way Zimbabwean’s turn at the polls, they’re still paying for their invasion and occupation by Cecil Rhodes’ British South Africa company...
The Guardian | 12-jui-2018
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s regime accused of illegally seizing company assets and breaching investment treaties involving Britain and other EU states.
Business Standard | 23-mai-2018
India may not accept international arbitration orders annulling tax demands on British firms Vodafone Plc and Cairn Energy.
The Wire | 9-mai-2018
In the order, Justice Manmohan, however, noted that the Centre could approach the UK arbitration tribunal under the BIPA for its grievances.
IBS Intelligence | 3-mai-2018
The International Trade Committee launches an inquiry concerning the UK’s investment policy, which will examine the Government’s performance in promoting and facilitating inward and outward investment and its approach, upon UK exit from the EU, to negotiating agreements that liberalise and protect foreign investment.
Daily Nation | 24-avr-2018
The government risks losing up to Sh500 billion in an international arbitration case against mining firm, Cortec, after it failed to provide Sh100 million in the second mini-budget to pay a UK-based law firm representing it in the case.
Live Mint | 14-mar-2018
Under international arbitration proceedings the final hearing of Cairn’s claim under the UK-India Bilateral Investment Treaty is scheduled for August 2018 in The Hague.
La Tribune Afrique | 9-fév-2018
Plusieurs sociétés minières internationales réclament 3,3 milliards de dollars au Kenya auprès du Centre international pour le règlement des différends relatifs aux investissements.