New Generation Trade Blog | 27-may-2016
The new trade is something with much more weight: It’s about community power and who gets to make decisions.
Client Earth | 25-may-2016
The proposal would fundamentally undermine the EU’s internal market provisions and the role of the courts of the Member States and the European Court of Justice in safeguarding their operation.
TNI | 24-may-2016
The Philippines has a web of investment treaties which severely constrain the government’s ability to regulate or close polluting mines, a legal straitjacket that will become even tighter if the EU–Philippines Free Trade Agreement and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) proceed
Politico | 23-may-2016
Philippine trade negotiators meet their DG Trade counterparts for a first round of trade talks, five months after they were announced, but nobody expects a cakewalk.
CIGI | 23-may-2016
Canada and the European Union released a revised Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) in February 2016. The revisions focus on the controversial and deeply flawed process of investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS).
No al TTIP | 21-may-2016
Aunque el CETA crearía un mercado mucho más pequeño que el que se pretende crear a través del TTIP, se trata de un comercio agresivo y supone el incremento de privilegios y poderes para las grandes empresas e industrias.
S2B | 19-may-2016
A new leak reveals that 5 EU member states are proposing to introduce investor-to-state dispute settlement for all cross-border investments within the EU.
Le Monde | 19-may-2016
Un groupe de cinq pays européens, dont la France, propose l’instauration d’une juridiction d’exception européenne au service des entreprises souhaitant attaquer les décisions des Etats.
El Diario | 10-may-2016
Debido a su gran parecido, el CETA también es conocido como ’el TTIP canadiense’, el ’Acuerdo Integral de Economía y Comercio’ entre la UE y Canadá.
No al TTIP | 3-may-2016
Un documento al que ‘Público’ ha accedido en exclusiva prueba que el Ejecutivo en funciones trabaja para que el CETA pueda aplicarse a partir del 2017, aunque no ha obtenido ningún tipo de apoyo del parlamento, ni le ha pedido que se pronuncie al respecto.