AFP | 5-Apr-2013
Le compagnie minière canadienne Infinito Gold a menacé jeudi le Costa Rica d’une plainte portant sur plusieurs millions de dollars si d’ici le 4 octobre prochain aucun accord amiable n’était trouvé après l’annulation d’un projet minier dans le nord du pays, a indiqué l’entreprise à San José. | 27-Mar-2013
A US-funded energy firm, Lone Pine Resources, is using investor rights provisions in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to challenge Quebec’s 2011 moratorium on hydraulic fracturing for natural gas.
National Farmers Union | 16-Feb-2013
The National Farmers Union is among the labour, environmental, Indigenous, women’s, academic, health sector and fair trade organizations representing over 65 million people from both sides of the Atlantic that have signed a joint statement demanding that Canada and the EU stop negotiating an excessive and controversial investor rights chapter in the proposed Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA).
| 31-Jan-2013
A few days ago, ICSID published an award rendered last December 12, 2012 ruling on a claim filed by a Canadian mining company, Vanessa Ventures against Venezuela in 2004.
| 28-Jan-2013
Hace unos dias, el CIADI dió a conocer el fallo emitido el pasado 12 de diciembre del 2012 en relación a la demanda interpuesta por la empresa minera canadiense Vanessa Ventures contra Venezuela en el año 2004. En su decisión, los tres árbitros del tribunal arbitral del CIADI desestiman la demanda por 1.045 millones de US$ presentada por la empresa canadiense contra Venezuela.
| 26-Nov-2012
The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources (MoPNR) has written a letter to Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf to persuade the Balochistan government to settle the Reko Diq issue out of court, fearing a penalty of Rs39 billion by the International Centre for Settlement Investment Disputes (ICSID).
| 16-Nov-2012
A US-incorporated energy firm, Lone Pine Resources Inc., is taking on Quebec’s stand against fracking, saying it violates the North American free-trade agreement and demanding more than $250-million in compensation.
Troy Media | 15-Nov-2012
Much of the debate surrounding the Canada-China trade deal revolves around the dispute settlement clause in the deal. Troy Media contacted Professor Thomas Faunce of the Australian National University in Canberra to explain why the Australian government decided to discontinue the practise of seeking inclusion of investor state dispute settlement provisions in trade agreements with developing countries.
Mining Weekly | 24-Oct-2012
TSX-listed South American Silver (SAS) on Tuesday said it had notified the Plurinational State of Bolivia of an investment dispute between the company and Bolivia, after the company’s subsidiaries had lost its mineral tenements.
Reuters | 4-Jun-2012
Canadian company Pacific Rim can move forward under El Salvador law with a case against that country’s government for blocking a gold mining project, but cannot file suit under a regional trade agreement, a World Bank arbitration panel ruled.