The traditional mechanism of investment arbitration between the investor and the host State has been under attack for some time now from a range of actors and for a variety of reasons.
Multinational companies will increasingly file massive cases against host countries when climate change policies affect their profits, Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz said.
The 37th session in New York was devoted to addressing and identifying some additional concerns and creating a workplan for carrying out phase three of the mandate—developing possible ISDS reform options.
Si el régimen pretende apoyar el desarrollo, y superar la crisis de legitimidad que enfrenta el régimen internacional de inversiones, se requiere algo más que una reforma procesal de la ISDS.
Si l’on souhaite que le régime international des investissements soutienne plus efficacement le développement, et surmonte la crise de légitimité à laquelle il fait face, il faudra plus que de simples réformes procédurales du RDIE
If the investment regime is to be made supportive of development and overcome its legitimacy crisis confronting, something more is required than procedural reforms to ISDS.