Accord de libre-échange nord-américain | Accord entre le Canada, les États-Unis et le Mexique

SSRN | 4-aoû-2017
The Bilcon tribunal ruling raises a number of concerns about the ability of investor protection tribunals to properly assess whether a foreign investor has been treated fairly under a domestic environmental assessment process.
Gestión | 25-jui-2017
EE.UU. confirmó la semana pasada que entre sus principales objetivos en el TLCAN está la eliminación del mecanismo de resolución de controversias del capítulo 19 que Mulroney hizo tanto para preservar.
Info Justice | 14-jui-2017
The cool reasoning of the Canadian Supreme Court does not acknowledge or reference “external” pressures or the Eli Lilly v. Canada ISDS case. However, courts do not decide cases in a vacuum. This case seems to have been decided in a pressure cooker.
Green America | 12-jui-2017
100 small businesses : NAFTA currently privileges multinational corporations over U.S. small business unfairly under “Investor-State Dispute Settlement” preferential treatment.
The Progressive | 4-jui-2017
Regardless of the short-term outcome, the movement for a progressive new NAFTA will hand progressives a dynamic issue—and a mobilized base—in the 2018 and 2020 elections. The current renegotiation could set the stage for future battles, perhaps for deeper change.
Global Trade Mag | 30-mai-2017
One of the most overlooked aspects of NAFTA is the Investor-State Dispute Settlement.
The Whig | 14-avr-2017
The Ontario government says it has paid a $28-million award that a NAFTA tribunal ruled was owed to a wind power company over a provincial offshore wind moratorium.
El Financiero | 14-avr-2017
Un tema que no ha sido analizado a profundidad son las nuevas disposiciones que serán agregadas al texto del tratado en materia de medio ambiente, laboral, sindical, propiedad intelectual, entre otros.
Lexology | 27-mar-2017
The Tribunal found that Eli Lilly had failed to demonstrate that the promise doctrine constitutes a fundamental or dramatic change in the utility requirement under Canadian patent law or that the promise doctrine is arbitrary and/or discriminatory.
Reuters | 24-mar-2017
Transcanada Corp’s legal challenge against the United States over its past rejection of Keystone XL pipeline has been dropped.