Ciar Global | 29-Oct-2019
Terence Highlands reclama la expropiación ilegal de las inversiones de la empresa Coastline, de la que es dueño, y exige alrededor de 80 millones de dólares.
Outlook India | 10-Sep-2019
UK’s Cairn Energy on Tuesday said the arbitration process against India on imposition of retrospective tax demand is likely to be protracted and a decision is not expected before late 2019.
War on Want | 5-Aug-2019
UK registered mining company Lydian is using corporate courts to bully the Armenian government into cracking down on public protests that have successfully resisted a gold mine.
The Independent | 5-Aug-2019
The Armenian government is currently being sued by a corporation for two thirds of its entire government budget. If the UK crashes out on 31 October, it could suffer a similar fate.
Morning Star | 1-Aug-2019
Parliament’s trade committee says it is alarmed by government’s failure ‘to set out even basic lines of policy’ on how international arbitration will work after Brexit.
New Internationalist | 10-Jul-2019
ISDSs, legal mechanisms designed to favour corporate interests will be integral to any post-Brexit US-UK trade deal.
Nepali Times | 7-May-2019
Axiata UK may be required to exhaust local remedies before resorting to arbitration under the UK-Nepal investment treaty
Mobile World Live | 29-Apr-2019
Axiata Group’s UK subsidiary and Nepal mobile unit filed a request for arbitration with the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes, regarding a capital gains tax bill levied by Nepali authorities.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 24-Apr-2019
After Brexit, the UK will be theoretically a suitable jurisdiction to enforce intra-EU awards.
Armenian Weekly | 18-Apr-2019
The company’s Canadian and British subsidiaries have already announced their intention to initiate arbitration proceedings against Armenia in accordance with bilateral agreements if the matter is not resolved.