NZ Herald | 17-may-2017
If all parliaments in member states have to approve international trade deals, future trade deals may take even longer than they already do to come to fruition.
EurActiv | 16-may-2017
The European Union will have to secure approval from national parliaments in order to finalise a free trade deal with Singapore. The bloc’s top court ruled that the agreement in “its current form” cannot be handled by the Commission acting alone.
Le Monde | 16-may-2017
Dans un avis très attendu, la Cour de justice européenne estime que le traité de libre-échange signé en septembre 2013 entre Singapour et l’Union européenne devra être validé par la quarantaine de parlements nationaux de l’UE.
European Commission | 2-may-2017
Negotiators discussed the EU’s reformed approach to investment protection and investment dispute resolution.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 24-abr-2017
The role of third party funding in investment arbitration raises unique concerns for policy-makers because, ultimately, a State’s taxpayers will be liable for satisfaction of any award favoring the claimant.
AITEC | 18-abr-2017
L’objectif de ces nouvelles négociations est d’amener l’instrument commercial liant l’UE et le Mexique au niveau des accords commerciaux comme le CETA, référence désormais brandie par la Commission européenne pour l’ensemble de ses négociations futures.
The Hindu | 10-abr-2017
Most have expired; partners unwilling to renew them under Finance Ministry’s model draft
RTBF | 27-mar-2017
L’utilisation d’une juridiction externe, parallèle aux instances judiciaires des Etats membres contre toute mesure que l’investisseur étranger considère contraire aux droits conférés par le CETA, met en cause la primauté du droit européen.
Lexology | 24-mar-2017
The law approving the termination of agreements on mutual promotion and protection of investments concluded by Romania with other Member States (Intra-EU BITs) was published in the Official Gazette.
International Law and Litigation | 24-mar-2017
Investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) has become the most controversial form of international litigation.