medio ambiente
AsiaPhos | 18-ene-2021
AsiaPhos has been in discussion with the Chinese Government (since November 2017) for a settlement in relation to the cessation of the mining activities because of the Panda Park.
IIED | 21-dic-2020
Do international investment treaties put a ’chill’ on environmental policy? To answer this question, we need to see the state as a complex web of actors, not a unitary whole.
Heinrich Böll Foundation | 16-dic-2020
Given China’s unique position, the study concludes that the EU must ensure that particularly strong protections for EU regulatory policy space are included in any future investment deal.
Drilled | 19-oct-2020
Expert Marcos Orellana walks us through the shadowy arbitration system, the Chevron case in particular, and what it all means for global climate action.
CIAR Global | 18-sep-2020
Un tribunal de La Haya falló ayer a favor de Chevron Corporation en su disputa con Ecuador, confirmando un laudo arbitral parcial de 2018 dictado por un tribunal internacional administrado por la Corte Permanente de Arbitraje.
Nasdaq | 17-sep-2020
The District Court of The Hague ruled in favor of Chevron in its dispute with the Republic of Ecuador, upholding a 2018 arbitral award rendered by an international tribunal administered by the Permanent Court of Arbitration.
Climate Home News | 10-sep-2020
A British oil and gas company is using a controversial energy treaty to sue Slovenia, after being required to carry out an environmental impact assessment
Equal Times | 8-sep-2020
¿Podemos incrementar la urgencia (y acción) climática y al mismo tiempo proteger los combustibles fósiles que provocan el cambio climático?
Diario 16 | 7-sep-2020
El 19 de febrero de 2010, la empresa tabaquera más grande del mundo, Philip Morris, presentó una demanda contra Uruguay ante el Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias relativas a Inversiones (CIADI), en la que se alegaba la violación del Tratado Bilateral de Inversión entre Suiza y Uruguay.
Le vent se lève | 28-ago-2020
Le 22 juillet 2016, suite à une plainte internationale déposée par l’entreprise pétrolière Chevron-Texaco devant la Cour Permanente d’Arbitrage, l’État équatorien est condamné à payer une amende d’un montant de 112,8 millions de dollars.