medio ambiente
Gestión | 30-nov-2016
El CIADI emitió un laudo final a través del cual ordena que Grupo Renco y el Estado peruano paguen sus propios costos jurídicos ocasionados por el procedimiento arbitral en el caso Doe Run.
TeleSUR | 16-nov-2016
The oil giant Chevron Texaco and its decades-long battle to avoid paying damages it owes in one of the worst environmental disasters in history.
Investig’action | 7-nov-2016
Reconnue coupable d’avoir provoqué des dommages environnementaux et humanitaires pendant des décennies, Chevron s’est vu verser 112 millions de dollars d’indemnisation par l’État équatorien avec l’aide d’un tribunal arbitral.
Telesur | 19-oct-2016
“We don’t want what happened to us to happen to the people in Dakota,” Piaguaje told teleSUR.
Ecelaw | 29-sep-2016
Federal Court of Canada rejects Bilcon’s application to stay proceedings, denying the Delaware company an early pay day.
Mongabay | 13-sep-2016
International trade agreement provisions once meant to protect investors today can challenge a nation’s sovereignty and invalidate environmental laws.
El Ciudadano | 30-ago-2016
Los gobiernos del mundo deberán comprender las enormes desventajas de soberanía económica y política que le conllevará suscribir el llamado Tratado Transpacífico de Asociación Económica Estratégica (TPP)
Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (ISDS Blog) | 4-ago-2016
Peter Allard, a Canadian investor who owns a nature sanctuary in Barbados, has brought an ISDS claim against Barbados. He grounds his claim on the failure of the government to enforce its own environmental law.
Peru this Week | 25-jul-2016
“We hope that after the decision, the State will concentrated its efforts to provide a sustainable solution to the environmental pollution in the city La Oroya.”