Reuters | 30-May-2018
A Belgian court has lifted a freeze on about $21.5 billion (16.2 billion pounds) in Kazakhstan’s National fund assets imposed after a dispute with a Moldovan businessman, the Kazakh justice ministry said.
Oil Price | 25-May-2018
The amount of the frozen assets, when compared to the US$520 million court award, is pretty hefty, unprecedented.
EIN | 24-May-2018
The Stati Parties have requested to enforce the award issued in their favor including by attaching Kazakh state commercial assets in the United States.
Deutsch Welle | 24-May-2018
The German cabinet has confirmed that two utilities operating in Germany are entitled to compensation for losses stemming from the country’s nuclear phaseout. The move is in line with an earlier top court ruling.
Natural Gas World | 23-May-2018
Ukraine is seeking damages from Russia following the expropriation of assets in the Crimea in 2014.
No al TTIP | 21-May-2018
Tras los cinco arbitrajes ya resueltos, la balanza se decanta ya en contra de España, que tiene abiertos 40 litigios de este tipo con 7.500 millones en reclamaciones.
Turkey Telegraph | 18-May-2018
ICSID imposes a fine of 64.5 million euros for a claim by a fund of the state of Abu Dhabi.
Cinco Días | 17-May-2018
El fondo soberano Masdar, de Abu Dabi, reclamaba 394 millones por el perjuicio a sus inversiones. El laudo condenatorio se suma a los de Novenergia y Eiser Infraestructures.
Reuters | 16-May-2018
US oil company ConocoPhillips has brought new court actions to seize two cargoes of crude and fuel near a terminal operated by PDVSA subsidiary Citgo Petroleum in Aruba.
CIAR Global | 16-May-2018
Un tribunal de Curazao autorizó a que la estaodounidense ConocoPhillips incaute activos procedentes de refinerías en la isla propiedad de la estatal venezolana Petróleos de Venezuela (Pdvsa) valorados en 636 millones de dólares.