CIAR Global | 20-Nov-2018
La compañía danesa Athena Investments ha emitido un comunicado en el que da a conocer el resultado del laudo del arbitraje de inversiones que mantenía con España desde 2015 ante un tribunal del Instituto de Arbitraje de la Cámara de Comercio de Estocolmo (SCC) que le favorece con una indemnización de 11 millones de euros.
The Globe and Mail | 20-Nov-2018
A US coal miner is launching a NAFTA suit against Alberta over its policy to phase out coal in the electricity system by 2030.
Globe Newswire | 16-Nov-2018
The net award for Athena Investments amounts to approx. EUR 11M.
Business Review | 13-Nov-2018
The Romanian government has won a trial at World Bank’s International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes against the Swiss-based energy trader Alpiq in a case related to Hidroelectrica insolvency procedure.
Romandie | 12-Nov-2018
Alpiq a été débouté dans une procédure arbitrale avec l’Etat roumain dans le litige qui l’opposait à la société énergétique publique roumaine Hidroelectrica.
Medias24 | 30-Oct-2018
Corral demande des dédommagements mais n’a pas encore précisé le montant.
Colombo Page | 29-Oct-2018
KLS Energy Lanka, the local subsidiary of Malaysian renewable energy producer Energy Sdn Bhd of Malaysia has initiated ICSID arbitration under the Sri Lanka-Malaysia BIT
Le Monde | 27-Oct-2018
The documents highlight for the first time the pressure placed on the French parliament by a foreign company’s threat to use the ISDS mechanism.
Natural Gas World | 24-Oct-2018
South Korean utility Korea Western Power Company (Kowepo) has begun arbitration proceedings against India for not honoring a fuel supply commitment to a gas-based power plant that it part-owns in western India
Washington Post | 4-Oct-2018
The oil business persuaded the White House to keep a number of features of the old NAFTA, including provisions that help protect US oil companies’ investments abroad and allow for tax-free transport of raw and refined products across borders.