Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 14-Dec-2018
Tribunals still grappling with the intra-EU question, especially those in ECT cases, are certain to pay great attention to the carefully crafted Vattenfall decision. Its reasoning may well serve as a blueprint for further decisions and awards in similar cases.
KolectiVOZ Digital | 7-Dec-2018
Entrevista con Pablo Fajardo, abogado ambientalista de los demandantes a Chevron Texaco en Ecuador, quién nos cuenta sus actuales preocupaciones sobre el caso.
Medias24 | 5-Dec-2018
Au CIRDI, le tribunal arbitral chargé du litige opposant le Maroc à la société suédoise Corral Morocco Holding a tenu sa première session.
Cambridge International Law Journal | 20-Nov-2018
A reasonable ICSID Tribunal would have followed the paths of previous arbitral decisions in determining the liability of a host state under the Full Protection and Security obligation, the Ampal Tribunal did not.
CIAR Global | 20-Nov-2018
La compañía danesa Athena Investments ha emitido un comunicado en el que da a conocer el resultado del laudo del arbitraje de inversiones que mantenía con España desde 2015 ante un tribunal del Instituto de Arbitraje de la Cámara de Comercio de Estocolmo (SCC) que le favorece con una indemnización de 11 millones de euros.
The Globe and Mail | 20-Nov-2018
A US coal miner is launching a NAFTA suit against Alberta over its policy to phase out coal in the electricity system by 2030.
Globe Newswire | 16-Nov-2018
The net award for Athena Investments amounts to approx. EUR 11M.
Business Review | 13-Nov-2018
The Romanian government has won a trial at World Bank’s International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes against the Swiss-based energy trader Alpiq in a case related to Hidroelectrica insolvency procedure.
Romandie | 12-Nov-2018
Alpiq a été débouté dans une procédure arbitrale avec l’Etat roumain dans le litige qui l’opposait à la société énergétique publique roumaine Hidroelectrica.
Medias24 | 30-Oct-2018
Corral demande des dédommagements mais n’a pas encore précisé le montant.